About me
I am a political scientist focusing on public opinion, digital democracy and computational methods. I am currently Assistant Professor (Tenure Track) in Computational Social and Political Sciences at the University of Milan - La Statale. I am also Research Associate at the Department of Political Science of the University of Zurich. Previously, I was senior researcher and lecturer at the University of Lucerne. I received the Ph.D. in Political and Social Sciences from the European University Institute and I have been visiting Junior Scholar at Nuffield College, Oxford University, and Fulbright-Schuman visiting scholar at New York University. I am also member of the Digital Society Initiative, co-initiator of the Lucerne Master in Computational Social Science, LUMACSS and Editor at Frontiers in Political Science and Politics and Governance.
My research moved from public opinion and comparative political behavior into digital democracy and computational methods for social research. My work was published on Comparative political Studies, Political Communication, and West European Politics among other outlets. Links and pre-prints of my contributions are available in the Publications section. My work on the long-term dynamics in comparative political behavior with Diego Garzia and Frederico Ferreira da Silva is titled “Leaders without Partisans: Dealignment, Media Change, and the Personalization of Politics” and is available from ECPR Press / Rowman & Littlefield. I have also edited a special issue titled “Political Misinformation in the Digital Age during a Pandemic: Partisanship, Propaganda, and Democratic Decision-making” at Frontiers in Political Science. All papers are open access the resulting e-book is available here.
I am a certified RStudio instructor and passionate teacher in statistics, quantitative research methods, and computational social science techniques. The courses I teach are listed in the Teaching section. I am happy to share teaching materials upon request.
Are you a PhD or Master student considering me as your thesis supervisor? Click here for the research topics I am open to supervise, tips, and application details.